Thursday, October 14, 2010

Last Day and Wiki

I must say that I have learnt a lot while creating the Wiki, especially being hands on it myself. I managed to make certain that I was following what Sandy had taught me in class. That was a good practice for me!!! Thanks to Sandy for upgrading my computer skills!

Honestly speaking the entire two years have been hactic for me,being in the new post and studying at the same time was not easy. Hence I am lookong forward to today. Cannot say I am looking forward to outstanding tasks!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Today we learnt technical things for the Wiki. Sandy talked about inserting Widgets like the videos, maps, polls, etc and add in the Wiki , embed the them and then send to our wiki. This has given my group ideas to put on our's as we have not started with it.

She futher taught us how to creat an internal hyperlink. Meaning putting document from own file into the wiki, documents like pictures and documents.