Thursday, October 14, 2010

Last Day and Wiki

I must say that I have learnt a lot while creating the Wiki, especially being hands on it myself. I managed to make certain that I was following what Sandy had taught me in class. That was a good practice for me!!! Thanks to Sandy for upgrading my computer skills!

Honestly speaking the entire two years have been hactic for me,being in the new post and studying at the same time was not easy. Hence I am lookong forward to today. Cannot say I am looking forward to outstanding tasks!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Today we learnt technical things for the Wiki. Sandy talked about inserting Widgets like the videos, maps, polls, etc and add in the Wiki , embed the them and then send to our wiki. This has given my group ideas to put on our's as we have not started with it.

She futher taught us how to creat an internal hyperlink. Meaning putting document from own file into the wiki, documents like pictures and documents.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Today I have just created a School Library Wiki with my group. It is exciting I must say. I've learnt how to make the Navigation, Edit and Cancel (of the wiki) it, how to add on imagies as a Logo in the Wiki. I managed to get an invite from the manager and am still waiting for it to come onto my email and then accept the invite. We fiddled with themes, colour and created the logo which we could later change.

I can't wait to creat this for the school library and my learning area. PS... I saw the 'refresh' icon today... It's a green icon next to where you type in addresses. Its purpose is to look at our mail (when waiting for one) and it's taking time.
One never stop learning!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Web evaluating test

Today I had to evaluate sites as a test. It looked easy to do and I thank Dr King for the information she tought us last semester. I hope to have used it effectively today in the test. I am keeping Nazeem and his family in my prayers. May the good Lord keep him safe!

Have a good day.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Blogger Lists

Linking up with my fellow students' bloggs:
Myrtle , Josephine , Shahida, Shallen,


Wow! I thought I knew what this entails. It would be interesting to introduce WIKIS into my lessons as it involves editing ,contributing/commmenting. High school learners would be very interested and make them active in the lesson. Hopefully it will improve their standard of English as everything would have to be in English.

I later got into Wiki in Education, got into SA School Home and realised how useful it would be amongst teachers in terms of realiving their teaching loads because it has navigations such as 1) Lesson Sharing 2) Dealing with the classroom 3) Workshops and so forth. Signing up with it would help educators, especially ones in South Africa instead of situations that we can not relate to.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Internet Filtering

This was a new term for me. I also learn about Censorship which after understanding its meaning I could link with what is happening outside, in the media. The lesson also had some ideas I could use in the school library to protect learners form viewing inappropriate sites. My school will consider buying the programme to lock such sites. But in the mean while I, as the librarian will use ideas like putting computers in more visible areas where teachers could see.